Waterways Watch Society

Name: Waterways Watch Society (WWS)

Contact: Eugene Heng, Founder and Chairman; Fariz, Full-time Administrator

About: WWS is a well-established NGO dedicated to cleaning up Singapore’s six major canals and rivers which ultimate provide drinking water for the city.  They discourage pollution through environmental education and awareness activities and partner with the community to do frequent bike or kayak clean-ups.  I must mention that the staff is a really fun-loving, knowledgeable crew with incredible community support.

Informed me: I enjoyed an afternoon kayak clean-up with WWS along the Geylang River.  Several private organizations and schools fulfill their community service requirements through WWS clean-ups.  In a few hours, a dozen of us collected 50 kg of trash! But, we were informed after that a service boat dedicated to cleaning up trash in the river collects 10,000 kg of trash daily!  It explicitly shows that collecting every drop of water on the island comes with mounds of trash and reveals why the anti-littering campaign is so strong.  I look forward to working with WWS more and better understanding the role of NGOs in Singapore.

Looking for: If your company would like to contribute community service hours with an environmental focus, this is the place to do it!  They also run activities for school groups.  Or if you’re a solo volunteer and would like to keep the rivers clean, join WWS on their weekend patrols.